Sunday, April 22, 2012

5 Traits of the Successful Network Marketer - Trait 1

What causes one to fail in Network Marketing while others enjoy huge success?

What is it that 10 out of 10 successful network marketers agree is the number one thing you must have in order to succeed in network marketing?

What is it that most lack and it causes them to fail in network marketing?

Why is it that two people can be involved with the same company, have access to the same tools but only one is successful?

The answer is really very simple.......... Discipline !!

You have to be disciplined with your work schedule, it doesn't matter if you are full time or part time with out discipline you will never get into the money or keep the money.

With my personal team we use the "binder system" and the first page in the binder is the work schedule, The most important page of the system, it is extremely important that this page be filled out every week and the reason is the psychology behind it, When you put something in writing instead of just "intending" to do it you actually enter into a covenant with yourself, you are making a promise to yourself that you are going to do something and are 80% more likely to do what you said you would do once it becomes a written goal/task

After your "work schedule is written out what's next?   SHOW UP TO WORK!!!

Most people that start a network marketing business start out on a part time basis due to a current full time job, How may times could you not show up to work or not work once you "showed up" and still keep your job? not very many times before you would no longer be employed by that company.
Its the exact same with you business, If you don't show up to work you wont have a business but a hobby instead.....Hobbies cost money but do not money.

What does "showing up" entail?  Performing the money making activities.

For example, if you have Monday from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM scheduled to work you business but you spend that time watching training video's in your back office or studying the compensation plan Etc. then you really aren't working, you're just busy doing the non money making activities.

I agree that knowing and understanding you product/business/comp plan is very important but that IS NOT making you any money therefore don't spend you scheduled work time on these types of activities, spend your work time working, making exposures, follow up calls and 3-way calls, these are the money making activities.

So lets say you are lacking discipline when it comes to "working" your business and you really want to change that and become more disciplined, how do you go about it? Where do you start?

1. Write out your work schedule

2. Write out all the benefits of becoming more disciplined in this particular area
 Example: if you become more disciplined when it comes to "showing up" to work your network
    marketing business at the scheduled times you will make more exposures, more exposures means
    more serious looks, more serious looks means more sign ups, more sign-ups means more money,
    more money means........ you get the point right?

3. Find an accountability partner, someone that you can share your work schedule and goals with and they will hold you accountable, don't become accountable to someone that has the same lack of discipline issues or you will both end up buying into each others excuses, a good place to look for an accountability partner is your up-line.

The good news is it only takes 21 days to form a new habit, stick it out and before you know it you'll be showing up to work without giving it a second thought and your business will start to grow as well.

If you enjoyed this post and/or if it helps in any way please leave a comment

Remember.......Only those who dare to dream can make a dream come true........Dare to Dream!!!

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